Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 1: Departure Day

My dad arrived back from Alaska at 10:00am edt this morning from helping the rest of my family get unpacked. After picking him up from the airport we went back to my friends house, where I had stayed for 3 days. My dad had left his truck at my friends house. Next, we went around and gave everybody their stuff back, ran a few errands, and had lunch with Sarah, a close family friend.

AND WE'RE OFF! We crossed the Indiana border at 2:51pm edt. Now we are cruising along in Indiana at 2:40pm (dejavu!) and we are both excited.

I'll write again soon, but for now that's all the news I have. This is Erin signing out. Bye!


  1. I am so glad you are on your way! Have fun and keep Daddy awake.
